Industrial UPS - AVCRTS

The AVCRTS is an Industrial Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). It prevents downtime by correcting short-term outages, deep voltage sags and overvoltage.

With companies reporting a near doubling of short-term power outages since 2017, the AVCRTS has become increasingly important to maintain production during short-term outages.

The AVCRTS is specifically designed to handle the unique conditions found in industrial environments, including:

  • High inrush currents;
  • High harmonic distortion levels;
  • Regenerative power from robotics, elevators, cranes and other regenerative loads.

Unlike commercial UPS systems, the AVCRTS is built to handle these conditions and provide a reliable source of power to protect against unexpected power disturbances.

How the AVCRTS works

The AVCRTS is connected between the supply and the load and works by monitoring the voltage and ensuring that it stays within user-defined limits.

If the voltage level drops below its threshold, the AVCRTS disconnects the load from the utility and connects to the battery source within ¼ cycle. Once the voltage is restored from the utility or supplied from a standby generator, the inverter synchronizes with the supply, reconnects to the load and disconnects the battery.

Key Features & Specifications
  • Up to 30 seconds of ride through for voltage sags or loss of power
  • 99.5% efficient
  • No reduction of fault capacity
  • The static switch isolates line from the load and from the DC source
  • Extensive diagnostics
  • Voltage event log
  • Coupling transformer
  • Works with battery or super capacitors
  • MV Units to 15kV
  • High value/speed production processes
  • Continuous and critical processes
  • FDA approved production lines

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Frequent Ask Questions

Why is the AVCRTS the best option for short-term outage protection?

The AVCRTS handles high inrush current, high harmonic distortion, and loads with regenerative back feed. These conditions stem from the dynamic loads created by equipment in industrial facilities.

Typical conditions that reduce the reliability of a UPS connected to a dynamic load:

  • High inrush currents cause overload fault conditions, forcing a UPS system into bypass. The AVCRTS uses oversized components and inverters, which handle high inrush currents.
  • Harmonic distortion from non-linear loads causes thermal stress, reducing UPS lifetime. There is less thermal stress on the AVCRTS because the harmonic currents are sent to the utility and not through the inverter.
  • Double conversion UPS systems don’t allow regenerative current through the rectifier, which increases DC bus voltage.This causes UPS systems to fail or drop the load. The topology of the AVCRTS parallel connection allows for 100% power regeneration.
  • The AVCRTS has N+1 redundant inverter modules that support 100% of the load without increasing unit size. N+1 redundancy with a UPS requires twice the real estate, as you are purchasing an additional UPS.

What is the difference between a momentary power outage and a sustained power outage according to IEEE 1159?

Poweroutages, also called a blackout, are the loss of the electrical power on onephase, two or three phases.

IEEE 1159 defines an interruption as follows:

  • Momentary Interruption - A type of RMS voltage variation where the complete loss of voltage on one or more phase conductors for a time between 0.5 cycles and 3 seconds.
  • Sustained Interruption - The complete loss of voltage on one or more phase conductors for a time greater than 1 minute.

What cause a momentary power outage?

Momentary power interruptions occur due to recloser operations from the utility. As a result, a short power outage an last anywhere from a few milliseocnds to a few seconds. Common causes of recloser operations include faults occuring during lighting storms, trees and animals coming into contact with power lines.

What causes short-term power interruptions?

The main reason for power outages is the weather, such as:

  • snow,
  • ice on the lines,
  • freezing rain,
  • high winds,
  • lightning.

Other factors that contribute to power outages include wildlife and tree branches striking power cables. These interruptions occur due to recloser operations from the utility. As a result, a short power outage can last anywhere from a few milliseconds to a few seconds.

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